• Unity


    We all have an interior monologue. Mine admittedly is no shy retiring violet. It’s always been there. Offering opinion. Asking the tricky questions. Hurmphing in the background. Saying what you want to be said but not so anybody could hear it. That’s the point.. its interior after all. As the PD progresses the symptoms become…

  • Mirror


    Here’s something to ponder…how much of your personality has been sacrificed on the alter of acceptance? How much did you silence your inner voice to fit in, to belong, to be liked. There’s a lot I see written recently about the pressure on the female of this,species to be liked. How our behaviours are molded…

  • Lens


    I have been looking back through this blog…ostensibly to find a poem I wrote about the anarchy of soft play. Still haven’t found it but in the meantime I have had the chance to relive many moments and reassess my reactions now and then to what was going on. My first thoughts are that I…

  • Sense


    Regular readers (helloooo) will know that I am no stranger to counseling. I am a massive fan of talking therapies. They have helped me identify my behaviours, deal with traumas and manage my now. Understanding why I respond the way I do is so valuable and I have come a long way in the years…

  • Sweep


    What do you classify as trauma? Everyone has a story. When is your experience worse than someone else’s? Are you being strong in carrying on or in denial? These are the questions that I have been asking myself recently as I get back to normal life after the wedding. I think it’s because I am…

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