Clear the decks…

Spring is the time of new beginnings isn’t it? My resolution for 2012 was to Choose Life. Despite some hiccups I’m doing just that, slowly, slowly. So what’s the next step? It came to me at 3am a few days ago. I have to get back in the driving seat and get some direction back in my life. The boys are growing fast, I want them to have a chilled, calm and confident mother, don’t we all?

So I’m drawing up a Life Plan, using my (frankly marvellous) lists as inspiration. The next few months are about decluttering. Actually and metaphorically. I’m stripping back all my commitments, all my tat, all my UFO’s and spending some time identifying what’s important for the future. Then I’ll go for my goals. Slowly, slowly.

Just to reassure, however, my love of eBay remains. I picked this tome up for pennies. Isn’t it fab? I just wanted to show you what 13 yo’s should be able to do…

Can you make knickers? I think we ought to know!

7 responses to “Clear the decks…”

  1. I can’t say that I’ve ever tried to make knickers…

    I made a skirt somewhen around 13 years old. I didn’t like it.

    Later on (some time during sixth form) I worked out that trousers were quite easy to make, and that it made sense to do so because then they would finish in the right place instead of an inch or two above my ankles. The High Street has got a lot more accomodating to the taller girl in the intervening >coughcough< or so years. Fortunately.

    These days, the sewing machine mostly comes out for children' fancy dress. Which reminds me – I must remember to get the wherewithal for my daughter's mouse costume soon.


  2. Oh, dear. WordPress thought I was doing HTML. There was a number. It was 20.


  3. I made a dress when I was 12, recovering from mumps. I loved it although I got the neckline wrong. Never knickers though.

    What kind of mouse?


    1. A Gruffalo mouse.

      My son already has a Gruffalo fox costume from when his Beavers troupe performed a play based on the book. He wants to wear it when we go and see the professionals doing something similar. I actually think that the tail (constructed around a piece of pipe lagging) might get in the way while seated, but – well. He’s as stubborn as his parents.

      “The mouse found a nut, and the nut was good.”


  4. The mouse was so clever, you’ll think of a solution…detachable tail?


  5. Want this book! I just can’t resist stuff like this!
    My mum used to make our knickers ; )


  6. Look it up on amazon. Amazingly they are selling a copy!


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